Coming Out
We can change today’s culture from “if it feels good, do it”. George W. Bush,
Texas A&M Univ. Apr 6, 1998
“It is as satisfying to me as coming is – you know, as having sex with a woman and coming. So can you believe how much I am in heaven? I am, like, getting the feeling of coming in the gym. I’m getting the feeling of coming at home. I’m getting the feeling of coming backstage when I pump up. When I pose out in front of 5.000 people I get the same feeling. So I’m coming day and night.” Arnold Schwarzenegger in the documentary “Pumping Iron”
“I think he’d be a good governor.” George W. Bush, Crawford, Texas Friday, August 8, 2003
This recall, like the immature obsession with the Clenis™, is nothing more than baby boomers like George W. Bush “doing it because it feels good,” GOP style. The poor Republicans had to sublimate their unresolved adolescent sexual confusion into bullying midlife power plays or go to their graves as the saddest lil’ guys in the world. Ahhnold is just the latest cartoonlike example.
We boomer Democrats grew out of that “it it feels good, do it” bullshit a long time ago. Even then we pretty much confined it to sex, hair and air guitar solos. Unlike the Republicans, we didn’t let morons and radicals actually run anything. We just partied. (Ahhnuld appears to be one of the few who is double dipping in the FGDI ethos. More likely he never stopped…)
Allowing Junior, Newtie, Norquist, Perle and DeLay to wield real world power is the equivalent of the Democrats running Tiny Tim, Jane Fonda, Bernardine Dorn, Huey Newton and Abbie Hoffman in 1972.
Only now, middle aged and paunchy, the republicans are discovering that it “feels sooo good” to be a rebel and a tough guy, telling the establishment to “bring it on.” Getting in people’s faces is such a rush. It is as satisfying as coming, getting the good feeling of coming in the gym, getting the good feeling of coming at home, getting the good feeling of coming backstage or out in front of 5.000 people on the deck of an aircraft carrier. It’s like coming day and night.