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They Get It

TAPPED, writing about the terrific Dean blog pinpoints not only what is so good about it, but what is important about it:

Tapped has thought for a while that the great unacknowledged secret of the Dean campaign’s wildly succesful blog — at least during this slowish news month of August — is that it has a heck of a lot more in common with Parade Magazine and US Weekly than it does with Slate. The Dean Blog is as goofy and cheesy and low-brow as the American people themselves…

The Dean people understand something that the rest of the Democrats just can’t seem to get a grasp on.

Politics and popular culture have converged. The Bushies know this and very effectively market their “product” as a shit-kickin’ moron. They know their audience.

Dean’s bloggers know theirs too.

In both cases, they are successful because they are entertaining. In the dense and dangerous internet jungle or the maze of the 500 channel sushi menu, being boring will kill you.

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