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They should have gone for Tom Selleck

Everyone seems to be confused by the fact that Ahnuld isn’t doing better in the polls but the reason is completely obvious.

They cast the wrong guy.

This is another example of Republicans failing to understand popular culture. Sure, people are stupid enough to vote for an inexperienced movie star. And, this recall election was a perfect opportunity to slide one in because of the very short campaign.

But, didn’t it occur to anybody that the only reason it would work would be because the star’s established image fit the role already?

I would imagine that if you polled every casting director and studio executive in Hollywood, you couldn’t find one who would have (willingly) ever cast him as governor in a serious film. His best role is a monosyllabic robot, for God’s sake, and they kept his lines to a minimum for a reason. He can’t act.

If the state voters had wanted a robot for governor why would they have bothered to recall Gray Davis?

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