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Big Meanies

Gawd, I love Republicans. I really do. If they didn’t exist, you’d forget what the kindergarten schoolyard is like, and that would be a shame.

Here are yesterday’s talking points as faithfully and robotically mouthed by GOP hacks from sea to shining sea:

“The one thing they were unified on was their negativity and their attacks on the president.”

Ed Gillespie, GOP chairman

Oh, my dear Lord, can it be? Can they be so dastardly and despicable as to attack the president during a presidential campaign? Are there no depths to which these treasonous, un-American bastards will sink?

By Gawd, they won’t get away with it. Not by a long shot.

The Republicans are going to whine and stomp their tiny little feet and sob until the big nasty Democrats just stop it, stop it, stop it! It’s against the rules to be so mean!

And, it will work just great, too, because the American people have forgotten all about that unfortunate eight years, 24-7 of non-stop GOP harping, screaming, chest beating and slobbering about Bill Clinton. Now that the dignified Republicans are in charge, all those years of obsessing about the shape of the President’s manhood and his corrupt, murdering ways and his feminazi wife and his Commie connections are lost in the mists of time.

Today, alls I know is that the Democrats are icky and bad for bashing that nice young man, George W. Bush. Why, I’ve heard that some low class Democrat even called him a “major league asshole,” can you believe that?

They’d better quit it … or else.

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