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Fight Club

Kos seems to believe that Clark is getting ready to run a top-down dirty campaign against Dean based upon the fact that he’s hired a couple of bare knuckle Clinton Gore operatives.

I think it’s a bit premature to assume such a thing, but I’m no expert. Perhaps Clark read this and realized that the internet breakthrough that seems to be happening with both the Dean and Clark movements might be a bit overstated and decided he needed to hire some seasoned presidential campaign pros to take the campaign from the early grassroots to a professional media campaign.

We internet junkies, like the direct mail McGovernites discussed in the article, are a very narrow constituency. It’s strategic mass marketing and tough counterpunching that will win this election, just as it has been for the last 30 years. A candidate can’t do that without some rough and tumble guys with experience in his corner. (Rove certainly isn’t going to be playing by the Marquess of Queensbury rules.)

So, let the games begin … Dean and Clark are both big, tough boys. What doesn’t kill them will only make them stronger.

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