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Lovin’ Our Dear Leader

From the “imagine if Bill Clinton had….” files:

Via W. Post

State Department types were taken aback last week to find that a longtime diplomatic photo exhibit along a busy corridor to the cafeteria had been taken down. The two dozen mostly grainy black and white shots were a historic progression of great diplomatic moments, sources recalled.

There was an original political cartoon from the Jefferson era showing Britain and France pick-pocketing the Americans; there were pictures of negotiations with Indian tribes over land; President Woodrow Wilson at Versailles; former secretary of state Elihu Root somewhere; Roosevelt and Churchill signing the Atlantic Charter; former secretary of state James A. Baker III and former Soviet foreign minister Eduard Shevardnadze in cowboy boots at Jackson Hole; a splendid shot of the old State Department building; and a photo of President Ronald Reagan at a meeting with a very young Colin L. Powell seated behind him.

Then they were gone. And what was put up in their place? What else? A George W. Bush family album montage of 21 large photos of the president as diplomat. He’s speaking at the United Nations and meeting with foreign leaders. There are several shots of Bush with first lady Laura Bush — exiting a plane, touring the Forum in Rome and visiting Japan. (There’s one of just Laura Bush and Jordan’s Queen Noor at a U.N. conference.) There’s one of Bush meeting in happier days with his very good friend Jacques Chirac, president of France, and another with his even better friend, Gerhard Schroeder, chancellor of Germany. There’s a fine shot of him yucking it up in Beijing with former Chicom boss Jiang Zemin, aka the Robin Williams of the Middle Kingdom.

There may be a few spare headless statues lying around Baghdad that we would look mighty fine with a smirking simian’s image on top. And, I’m thinking maybe the Lincoln memorial could be similarly improved with a “fresh new face.”

Anybody who says that Laura meeting with Queen Noor isn’t more noteworthy than Roosevelt and Churchill then they are nothing but America hating traitors — which describes everybody in the State Department except for John Bolton.

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