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Worn Out Saws

Michael Tomasky has an interesting read about this ridiculous whisper campaign about the evil Clintons being behind the Clark campaign. He points out the obvious truth that most Americans aren’t exactly frothing at the mouth about Clinton anymore, if they ever were. In fact, the entirely predictable knee jerk grab for the Clenis whenever things get dicey is getting almost funny.

However, he doesn’t mention the oft repeated observation that blaming the Clintons for everything from global warming to male pattern baldness usually gets some dollars flowing from the rubes. (Not that the greedy bastards need any more cash — it’s getting to the point where it might actually be easier for them to just buy every American a new car if they’ll vote for Junior than run a campaign.)

But, there is a small, vocal minority on the left who have always disliked Clinton and what they perceive as his creature, the DLC. Safire and the boys may be helping to stoke that little bonfire. Either that, or Safire is simply consumed with lust for Hillary — he’s completely insane on the subject.

I have had some serious strategic disagreements with the DLC this past year (and they need to enter the new millenium, anyway) but they are members of the team and I’m not pushing anybody off the bus as we’re heading into what is very likely to be another close election.

As for what the whole “evil Clinton cabal” thing actually accomplishes, I think Tomasky has it right. It is very, very tired. I can’t imagine that anybody but the most obsessed wing-nuts do anything but roll their eyes and yawn.

They need a new schtick. The France bashing really isn’t working, Osama and Saddam are probably holed up in Uzbekistan watching re-runs of “Mannix” on TVLand, and “liberals” have been reduced to a bunch of ineffectual, treasonous pussies. They have to find a new object for their loathing or the AM radio ratings are going to tank.

I wonder if those couple of arrests down in Gitmo might just portend the development of a new target.

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