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Lights! Camera! Action!

Via The Road To Surfdom, I find that Newsmax has blown the lid off the Plame affair.

This is all a plot to get Joe and Val a movie deal!

I see Richard Gere as the hot headed but ethical Joe Wilson and Julia Roberts as the mysterious but plucky Valerie Plame. With Danny DeVito as Dick Cheney and Adam Sandler as the President.

And introducing Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Governor of California.


Supporters of the administration simply cannot wrap their arms around the idea that there is no reasonable excuse for what has clearly happened here.

How hard is it for someone to simply say, “I don’t know all the facts, but if these allegations are true, the person who did it should be fired and prosecuted.” It’s really that simple.

One thing people have to remember about all this is that the issue didn’t arise from little Democratic birds whipering in anybody’s ears. It sprang from a request for an FBI investigation from the CIA. Certainly, the Democrats are pushing the issue — that’s the nature of politics — but this is not the usual partisan whitehouse – travel – office – firing – haircut – on – the – tarmac – crapola.

If people really care about this administration, much less the country, they should be encouraging the President to cut loose whoever the assholes are who leaked the name. They are either out of control partisans or they are much too stupid to have access to classified information. In either case, they should go.

Democratic talking point of the day:

If President Bush refuses to personally and forcefully pursue a national security risk on his own staff, how can we trust him to keep this country safe?

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