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Why Bother?

If you are watching MSNBC and Fox this afternoon, it’s pretty clear that Arnold has won. The exit polls usually tell the tale early in the day and if Matthews and Noonan are any guage (the first is grinning and spitting maniacally and the other is sitting by the shore with wave after wave of orgasmic anticipation rolling over her face) the recall has been a rousing success.

I plan to vote anyway, hoping that their statistical analysis is wrong, but I can see that they’re pretty sure it’s going to be a long night of Republican gloating. Tune in and join the premature party. We only have 4 hours until the polls close. No reason to wait.

My Gawd, these Republicans and their mediawhore cheerleaders have the grace and class of chest thumping neanderthals.

Update: I just voted. The lines were longer than I’ve ever seen them and the poll workers said it was a lull.

Something needs to be done about the press on this. I’m sure their ratings are very important and all, but they have behaved very irresponsibly since about 2pm this afternoon, completely unable to contain their excitement at what they believe to be a rout by their favorite groping misogynist.

If they can contain breaking news for an entire evening, teasing the story ad nauseum to get us to tune in to their regular news cast, they can keep their pie holes shut until polls close on election day. This one is completely out of hand.

Update II: Atrios reminds me that the Republicans were all atwitter when they called Florida 15 minutes before the polls closed in the panhandle. I wonder how they would have liked seeing the press having a victory party for Gore on television 5 hours before the polls closed.

Not a problem, I’m sure. See, that was in Florida and it took place three years ago and people were driving to the polls and it was a plot. This, on the other hand, is just old fashioned, shoe leather reporting.

Update III: Jesse has the perfect rundown of MSGOP election coverage:

Apparently, Ann “88” Coulter is going to be on the show, too. This brings the balance of confirmed conservatives/hacks/nostalgists for Germany circa 1938 to anyone left of Zell Miller up to 5:1.


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