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I Love You Long Time

Atrios says it’s no secret that the red-faced, spitting motormouth that Chris Matthews plays on TV is different from the real guy. It may be that a small percentage of insiders know that, but I doubt most of his viewers do.

Speaking at Brown University this week, the “Hardball” player told students that the White House’s rationale for invading Iraq was “totally dishonest” and that the Veep “is behind it all. The whole neo-conservative power vortex, it all goes through his office. He has become the chief executive …It’s scary.”

Cheney and the neo-cons saw in George W. Bush “a man who never read any books, who didn’t think too deeply, and they gave him something to think about for the first time in his life,” Matthews said, according to Rhode Island’s Woonsocket Call.

Now why do you suppose that Matthews has conveniently neglected to share this particular view on his show?

This is why they are called mediawhores. It is not just an fun epithet, thrown around to insult them. It is an accurate metaphor for what they do. They sell themselves for access and ratings.

Chris had better buy himself a new teddy, though, because it’s going to take some special attention to smooth over

this unfortunate little revelation that he does what he does for money, not love. His pimp had to bring him back into line.

A White House spokesman tells us Matthews’ analysis is “disrespectful, totally false and irresponsible. Mr. Matthews has lost touch with reality. The President made the decision to go to war using the same facts as the previous administration and the United Nations, which judged Saddam Hussein as a threat to the region.”

But, Bush loves you Chris, he really does. Now, get back out there and sell your ass.

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