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Wishin’ and a Hopin’

Avedon Carol writes about liberal internationalists’ unwillingness to recognize that continuing to support Bush’s Iraq policy is actually harming the cause of Iraqi freedom. Even if you believe that they support the same goals, it is clear that they are untrustworthy and incompetent. Knee jerk anti-Saddam rhetoric aside, it’s becoming possible that the average Iraqi is beginning to wonder if he hasn’t been thrown out of the frying pan into the fire.

I don’t get it. It reminds me of those stories about the guy who uncorks the jinni and you know whatever the guy wishes for is going to be delivered in such a way that it’s the last thing he wants, but he wishes for it anyway. Like Godfrey Cambridge saying, “I wanna make ’em laugh,” and instead of turning into a great comedian it’s just that people laugh no matter what he says or does. So then he wants to be a serious actor and says, “I wanna make ’em cry,” and he dies in a traffic accident and they all cry. What you want is for Iraq to be a free democracy, and you say, “I wanna invade Iraq and get rid of Saddam.” And you don’t get the democracy or the freedom or any of that, you just get the invasion and Saddam out of power because that’s all you wished for. So now you wish for – what? For the Democrats to all fall in line and give George Bush whatever money he wants that he claims will go to the restoration of Iraq? Come on, you know you can’t just write this guy blank checks. If you’re not prepared to nail down those wishes in unmistakable terms so that what you want to happen will actually happen, maybe you just better stop making wishes.

I think that the Democrats have an excellent campaign argument to make here. When some FauxNews whore like Carl Cameron asks the “what would you do about Iraq,” the answer is really quite simple.

They should say that the central Iraq policy problem is George W. Bush. He can’t get essential international support because after the way he handled the run up to the war, with the insults and the lies, the rest of the world doesn’t trust him. He can’t run the occupation because he refused to listen to those, even in his own administration, who have experience in post war occupation and planned accordingly. He followed bad advice.

To solve the emerging problems in Iraq immediately, George W. Bush needs to fire his foreign policy advisors, every one of them, and go on a world tour designed to reestablish trust in America’s motives and intentions. He needs to repudiate the Bush Doctrine, which has fueled the notion that the US believes it has the sole power to launch preventive wars and resolves to do so whenever it chooses, based upon modern intelligence techniques that we have just proven are completely unreliable.

If he refuses to do those two things, the only answer is to replace George W. Bush. That one act alone will completely change the international dynamic and immediately increase the liklihood of a renewed international effort in Iraq with both financial and military support. The world doesn’t mistrust the United States, it mistrusts George W. Bush.

We have problem in Iraq because George W. Bush arrogantly and short-sightedly alienated the rest of the world. Unless George W. Bush personally rectifies that situation immediately, the only solution is to replace George W. Bush.

He thinks the world revolves around him and he’s right.

Update: Sometimes I think I’m channelling others and don’t even know it. Tristero discusses this same thing and links to Liberal Oasis who writes about it today as well. The consensus is that the answer to the question of what to do about Iraq is get rid of GWB so that America is trusted again by other countries and they will be willing to help us out of this mess that Bush and his cronies created.

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