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Faith-based Self Defense

Call your congressional representative and tell him or her that you support the President’s policy of pre-emptive self-defense…

What a good idea. We can’t wait for the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud. If they are out to get us, we’re going to get them first.

And, how will we know they are out to get us? Why our high tech, superduper, megaspecial, ultraextra intelligence services know when you’ve been sleeping and know when you’re awake, so bad guys had better be good for goodness sake, right?

Well… there’s just a teeny, tiny problem:

More than 10 years’ work by U.S. and British intelligence agencies on Iraq’s chemical, biological and nuclear weapons or programs has “major gaps and serious intelligence problems,” according to a new study by Anthony H. Cordesman, a Middle East and intelligence expert who is a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Although the United States has the world’s most sophisticated technical systems for collecting and analyzing intelligence, Cordesman found, the Iraq experience shows that U.S. intelligence is “not yet adequate to support grand strategy and tactical operations against proliferating powers or to make accurate assessments of the need to preempt.” link (pdf)

Uh oh. So, the massive intelligence failure of Iraq, a country that the US had been paying extremely close attention to for 12 years, means that we really don’t have the capacity to know when a country is planning to attack us. That sure does make that preemptive self-defense thing look dicey, doesn’t it? Unless Condi has a really wicked Oija board, I’d have to say the whole pre-emption thing is pretty much a bust and they might want to re-think the whole shebang.

But, then again, the American people know that George W. Bush would never lead them astray so they can trust that when he says that there is a “grave and gathering danger” he knows something they don’t. Even if he can’t possibly know it and everybody else in the world thinks what he’s saying is suspect. Or especially when he really, really wants to do it more than anything because he needs to kick some Arab ass so bad it’s just killing him. (Unless he is a Democrat in which case he should be tried for treason if he even thinks about pulling a stunt like this.)

Call your congressman and tell him no uncertain terms that you support this President’s policy of faith-based self-defense.

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