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Salon Giv Atrios Turkee

Is there any further doubt that the media consist of people so obtuse that there is no explanation for them other than that they are actually the abandoned household pets of aliens from another planet? You simply cannot be this cretinously stupid and have a brain larger than the size of a walnut.

This is priceless:

Not surprisingly, journalism experts suggest anonybloggers are operating outside of any reasonable ethical line. “One of the things that’s going to have to become a standard for the Internet is, if you want to be taken seriously, you have to be identified,” says Alex Jones, director of Harvard’s Shorenstein Center. “Anonymity is almost always, for the mainstream anyway, something that says, ‘Be very, very careful.’

One might also say that if you want to be taken seriously by the mainstream you probably should not attach your real name to a piece that reveals you to be an utter moron.

It is indisputable that we “anonybloggers” (aka pseudonymous writers, for those who didn’t major in massage therapy at San Quentin Community College extension) are certainly operating outside any ethical guidelines and I would suggest that all “professional” mainstream writers “be very, very careful” lest they accidentally find themselves all alone in the woods with the Blair Witch. She’s real, you know. Oh yes she is.


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