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Calling Karen Hughes

In U.S., Seeking To Limit Damage

The Bush administration is struggling to develop a damage-control strategy to counter the mounting global backlash against the United States after revelations that U.S. military and intelligence personnel abused Iraqi prisoners, according to U.S. officials.

The search for a strong response follows a review of international reaction by the State Department’s Intelligence and Research Department that revealed devastating fallout and criticism well beyond the Islamic world, from Brazil and Britain to Hong Kong, U.S. officials said.

“It’s very, very sobering,” said a State Department official briefed on the INR review. He requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject. “It’s like the song by the Who, ‘Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.’ That’s the widespread perception we have to deal with.

There is no problem that can’t be solved with a little bit of clever political spin, right? Karen’s usually the gal who comes up with all that wonderful, nonsensical alliteration — “Compassionate Conservative,” “Reformer With Results” etc.

How about “Torturers With Tolerance?”

“Masturbator Emancipators?”

“Sadists For Sovereignty?”

Surely, the Arab world can be as successfully spun as a bunch of dittoheads. All it takes is a snappy slogan and George W. Bush assuring everybody that he believes he’s been called by God to lead a crusade for freedom.

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