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This may be BS and I hope it is. But, I’ve been wondering what went on with the women who were imprisoned at Abu Ghraib. You would assume that they’d use similar types of “pressure” to “soften them up.”

New questions about U.S. troops’ conduct came to light Tuesday when the Egyptian newspaper Al-Wafd published four photographs appearing to show U.S. soldiers raping at least two women and forcing them to give oral sex, one of them at gunpoint.

The newspaper, an opposition publication whose reliability has been questioned in the past, ran the photos under a banner headline reading, “The Democracy of the American Empire of Evil and Adultery: Gang Rape by Occupation Soldiers of Iraqi Women Under Gunpoint.”

The newspaper did not comment further on the photographs or report how it received them, and there was no way to independently confirm their authenticity.

After what we’ve already seen, I don’t think it even matters. The rest of the world is going to believe the worst.

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