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Bush’s Base

Via reader jh Woodyat I’m informed of some fascinating analysis of the prisoner abuse scandal over in freeperville: Did the Arab “Street” Get a Message We Didn’t Mean to Send?

The POW photos are having an unintended effect on the Arab “Street” and the “resistance.”

Amidst all the apologies, I want to suggest we all (Hillary Clinton here) take a deep breath and consider something that no one in the administration or Congress has (publicly) considered:

By now, everyone pretty well knows that Arab societies base everything on power and perceptions of power. In part, that is why so many Freepers and conservatives got their panties in a bunch because it appeared in public like “apologizing” was a sign of weakness.

Ah, my friends. You aren’t thinking like an Arab. The “street” and, indeed, the leadership doesn’t trust much of what we say—they only look at what we do. It would have made no difference if Bush formally apologized and sent each detainee a bouquet of flowers—the “street” would see that as a sham, a pretense, a distraction from the “real” policy.

No, I suggest something else. That the Arab “street” and especially the “resistance” has taken from those photos a message we didn’t intend to send, but one that strikes fear into the very heart of them—a message of pure power and dominance. The submissive positions of these “tough” Iraqi men under the heels and attached to the leashes of WOMEN (and relatively small women, at that) sends a very powerful message to the “street.”

Don’t screw with the Americans. Oh, they’ll “apologize,” be we know that when the hearings are over, and the attention is off, they can do what they want.

I want to reiterate: this is foreign to our way of thinking. Unless you’re a hard-core Democrat, you don’t pathologically lie to achieve your objectives. But we must start thinking like the enemy.

Has anyone noticed that we virtually walked into Najaf this week, unopposed? Al-Sadr did nothing. Has anyone noticed that Fallujah is quiet? Very few roadside bombs/suicide bombs in the last couple of days. This could all change, but it is eerie that when a message of power is sent out all over the Middle East—unintentionally on our part—it resonates. Big time.

Yes, yes. Americans have the most humongous, elephantine dicks on the planet. Everybody knows that. Especially freepers. They also have the smallest brains.

In one sense, this person is right. The “Arab street” doesn’t believe these half-hearted apologies for one minute. Rummy’s still running things, Bush can’t spit out the word “sorry” without choking and the plan continues unabated. Whether they are all shaking and weeping like little girls under the shadow of our mighty manhood is another story. I guess this “analyst” forgot that these guys lived under Saddam, who up until about five minutes ago was universally condemned for doing exactly what this fellow now praises the US for doing.

After having to endure the hate-filled rhetoric of Democrats, David “National Greatness” Brooks must be so proud to be politically aligned with fine examples of civil discourse like Rush Limbaugh and these real Americans:

It’s like judo. You turn your weaknesses into strength. The scandal is a weakness, and we turn it into a strength. Right now, every would-be terrorist is going to have horrible nightmares of sexual torture before they light off their next bomb.

Sadly, American troops are now having the same nightmares. Which is why they aren’t too happy right now. Their jobs just got exponentially more dangerous.

Excellent point. Also note this: the prisoners chose to submit to this humiliation. They could have defied us and chosen their 72 virgins. How strong is their faith? I believe that the Japanese were much more devoted to their faith than the Islamics. God willing, I do not expect to see as many suicide bombers as there were kamakazis back during WWII. Right or wrong, some of the guards called their bluff, and we can learn from that.

It was the prisoners choice to live or die and they chose to live. So it’s their fault they were sexually tortured and humiliated. Buncha babies.

You know? You may be on to something. We know we’re dealing with cowards. Perhaps alSadr crapped his kaftan when he saw those photos and pictured himself naked… barking like a dog with a chain on his neck… at the end of a leash held by a 90 pound woman sucking on a Pall Mall.


Can you imagine us apologizing and offering cash reparations to jailed lower-level Nazi crimminals during WW2 for “humiliating” them? The American people would’ve been horrified by such a suggestion. …..but back then we were made of much sterner stuff.

That’s so true. As our National Security Advisor said, “we liberated the German people from Hitler” just as we are liberating the Iraqi people from Saddam. It’s just a matter of sorting out who’s naughty and nice. Luckily, American troops can automatically tell the good Iraqis we are liberating from the bad Iraqis we are fighting. The prisoners who were being beaten raped and tortured must be guilty of something or they wouldn’t be there, right?

The only [thing] that would have made those pictures even worse,to the “Arab Street”,would have been if these pictures also showed women rubbing bacon all over those “brave” soldiers for Allah.

Good idea. But, really, why are we playing these silly games. Concentration camps are one proven method to deal with these sub-humans.

On the other hand:

I don’t know if this sexual harassment will do the job. Personally I would like us to locate this piss-ant called Al-Sadr and the mosque he is located in. Once located we drop a MOAB (Muslims & Other Arab Bastards) bomb. I figure a few of these, probably less than 10-20 would shut the Arab-Muslim’s up.

They don’t say Americans are the pargmatists of the world for nothing.

Yeah, you nailed it. This stuff is so lame compared to other wars. I actually thought the pictures were a bit comical. As the poster states, the pictures may have made a very large point to a culture which treats it’s women like crap. And guess what? NO ONE GOT HURT! Seeing a human being jump from a burning sky scraper; now that’s NOT funny. And guess what? That person died and not one Arab or Muslim leader was asked to apologize, nor did any apologize. In fact, those societies cheered at what happened on 911. I say screw ’em, and I say screw the libs who are demanding this non-stop apology.

Until we get an apology from all the Arabs who had nothing to do with 9/11, we can do whatever we want (and to all those woman hating liberals who support them, too.)

Here’s another feminist for Bush:

If I were a Muslim woman and saw that tiny woman pretending she had an AK-14 pointed at their hubby’s cajoles, I be saying let me get you a real handheld rocket propeller with an extra round and send him to his 72 Virgins. I’ll help pull the trigger!

Muslim women (if they have seen any of these pics) must be grateful that finally the “men” are being abused and not the females in Iraqi.

I don’t condone what was done and evidently there is more to come (no pun intended). Geez, these guys were in “prison” and another thought is that maybe a lot of Iraqi’s recognized some of their former torturers and were pleased that Allah had sent such “tormentors” to revenge these evil doers.

One last thing! A pair of Hane’s women’s panties???? Get real, most of the guys in SanFran would have gone for the Victoria Secret thong with matching lace bra.

I hope we get this crap behind us and win the war on terror and have a turnover on June 30th that makes every sacrifice our Country and our Military worthwhile.

The DEMS are fiddling while Rome is burning. Clinton’s “I didn’t have sex with the woman is more abusive to me as an American than any of the pics I’ve seen so far!

Well, there you have it.

I think the way to fight off evil is to do some acts of goodness. See, the great strength of the country is the hearts and souls of our fellow Americans. And the best way to declare our position, the best way to make our position known to the world, is through what I like to call the gathering momentum of millions of acts of kindness and compassion and decency; acts of compassion and decency which take place on a daily basis, in all kinds of ways. George W. Bush

Or we could pour buckets of pig blood all over the naked prisoners.

It’s all good.

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