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New Insurgency

Iraqi scholars plan US opposition

The “tough” thing is, their opposition sounds suspiciously like it might end up as some form of pluralistic democracy:

What is becoming increasingly accepted as the inherent inability of the US-led coalition to come to grips with the situation – further exacerbated by the range of opposition forces ranged against it – has left a political vacuum, a vacuum that this initiative hopes to help fill.

The senior Shia cleric behind the initiative, Sheikh Jawad al-Khalisi, brought together some 500 prominent Iraqis – Shia, Sunni, Arab nationalist and Kurdish.

They hope to carve out a path, free from American and other foreign influences, along which the majority of Iraqis could be persuaded to move.

The conference set up a 16-member panel, pledged to boycott any US-sponsored political group, including the Iraqi Governing Council, to re-establish the national army and to restore sovereignty under the auspices of the United Nations.

Sheikh Khalisi’s opposition to the US programme seems bound to cause hostility in some quarters.

But the idea of a broad and wholly Iraqi initiative may also win hearts and minds among the local population.

Heavens to Betsy, Donald. Do you think they’ll agree to let the US keep its four planned permanent military bases and run their economy like a Cato Institute wet dream? I sure hope so because if not they might find themselves on the receiving end of a little R21.

Link via Common Prejudice

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