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Talent On Loan from Stalin

I should have known.

The freeper screed I posted below came directly from GOP cult leader, Rush Limbaugh, on his show last Thursday:

All right, so we’re at war with these people. And they’re in a prison where they’re being softened up for interrogation. And we hear that the most humiliating thing you can do is make one Arab male disrobe in front of another. Sounds to me like it’s pretty thoughtful. Sounds to me in the context of war this is pretty good intimidation — and especially if you put a woman in front of them and then spread those pictures around the Arab world. And we’re sitting here, ‘Oh my God, they’re gonna hate us! Oh no! What are they gonna think of us?’ I think maybe the other perspective needs to be at least considered. Maybe they’re gonna think we are serious. Maybe they’re gonna think we mean it this time. Maybe they’re gonna think we’re not gonna kowtow to them. Maybe the people who ordered this are pretty smart. Maybe the people who executed this pulled off a brilliant maneuver.


Nobody got hurt. Nobody got physically injured. But boy there was a lot of humiliation of people who are trying to kill us — in ways they hold dear. Sounds pretty effective to me if you look at us in the right context.

We are at war with Iraq. And the Iraqis are trying to kill us. We are simply teaching them who’s in charge …

…when we aren’t liberating them and creating a liberal democracy that will be a model for all the tyrannical regimes in the region, that is.

Rush is not off the reservation. He knows what he’s supposed to say to keep his dittoheads in line. I have little doubt that Ed Gillespie and Karl Rove, (despite their horror toward Democratic “hate speech”) are on the same page. They always are.

Update: Media Matters is keeping the heat on Rush and he doesn’t like it.

You want to kill the snake, go for the head.

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