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GOP Patsies

When Rep. David L. Hobson (R-Ohio) went on an inspection trip to several Persian Gulf countries in the summer of 2002, he was dazzled by the state-of-the-art command centers, airstrips and other facilities being built there for the U.S. military.”

“But he was also troubled. Some of what he saw or learned from military briefers had not been approved by the House Appropriations Committee panel on military construction, which he then chaired. ‘I knew I didn’t have that kind of money,’ he quipped recently.”

“Hobson’s inquiries ultimately led to a modest tightening of controls over the Pentagon’s ability to move money between military accounts without prior approval from Congress. But the episode has sparked concerns on the part of some lawmakers that the Bush administration largely bypassed Congress as it expanded installations in the Persian Gulf region before the war with Iraq.”

“President Bush has acknowledged that months before Congress voted an Iraq war resolution in October 2002, he approved about 30 projects in Kuwait that helped set the stage for war, with ‘no real knowledge or involvement’ of Congress, according to Plan of Attack, a new book by Bob Woodward, an assistant managing editor at The Washington Post.”

This is the meaning of high crimes and misdemeanors, kids. I know there are no blowjobs involved and I know that Hitlery had nothing to do with it, but this is the real deal. When a president spends money explicitly authorized by the congress for something else on a war that the congress and the people of the US have yet to even debate much less authorize, it’s a violation of the constitution. When the money is spent on no-bid contracts between the US government and the president’s political contributors in secret, it is a crime.

I wonder if the Republicans in congress are ever going to get sick of being Bush’s bitches?

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