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I’m Melllllting….

If it is possible for Fred Barnes to be a bigger whore, I don’t know know how.

On the “Roundtable” today he actually attempted to pass off the argument that we shouldn’t be showing these pictures because it violates the Geneva Convention to show pictures of POWs. And further it is wrong to embarrass these prisoners by putting their pictures on the front page of the NY Times.

I’m not kidding.

Perhaps we should agree to only show the pictures of tortured Iraqis who have hoods on their heads or are dead. That would solve the problems.

Now, I’m listening to Jonah Goldberg say that the media is overreacting and besides they’ve never shown a partial birth abortion live on television so why are they showing this stuff?

I’m not kidding.

Maybe if they keep throwing ridiculous rationalizations for their Dear Leader’s utterly bankrupt Iraq adventure at the wall, there’s a possibility that the splatter will start to look like a reasonable excuse. Kind of like that Idaho potato that everybody said looked like the Virgin Mary.

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