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Wing-Nut Confusion

Oh fer gawd’s sake. Roger Ailes reports that the Fighting 101st Keyboarders (thanks TBOGG) have their sans-a-belt-Dockers in a wad because the media refuses to show the entire Berg video on television on a loop.

I’m telling you, this is the sickest damned thing I’ve ever heard. Maybe people who have sat through The Passion more than 50 times are inured to this kind of thing, but most of us aren’t. This is a video of an actual brutal murder in living color. Still pictures don’t have 1/100th of the power of these scenes. It is a horrible, horrible sight to see.

The mainstream media aren’t showing the pictures of the bloody leg of the prisoner who was tortured with police dogs, nor will they likely show the video of the prisoners being raped when it eventually comes out (and it will.) They should not. Berg’s killing is horrible documentary footage that should not be seen by children or anyone else who doesn’t make a special effort to see it and who knows what they are going to see. It gave me nightmares and I’m a middle aged cynic. I can’t imagine what it would do to a kid who happened to be watching TV unsupervised.

This is not political in any way. I don’t think the video should be suppressed. People can access it on the internet and if my “search” traffic stats are any measure, a hell of a lot of people are. It’s not being censored.

Jayzuz. These people are very confused. On the radio Rush can talk his eliminationist trash from dawn to dusk, but if Stern talks about sex he’s dirty and must be suppressed. The still pictures of sadistic sexual humiliation should have been withheld from the media but an actual filmed death should be widely seen. Pictures of American soldiers torturing prisoners are wrong only to the extent they are shown on television. In reality they show a needed “emotional release” like hazing initiations at a frat party. Janet Jackson’s nipple is cause for outrage.

The vaunted moral clarity of the right wing is looking more and more like presidential pretzel logic every day.

There has always been a unique conflation of sexual and violent imagery among fascists. It would appear that those who lean Right just have some problems in this area.

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