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Another Normal American

*NOTE: This editorial was delivered by [news anchor] David Wittman after 19 Action News aired a very much edited version of the video showing American Nick Berg being held by his Iraqi captors before he was beheaded.

Well, if there is anything that’s going to make us forget those photos from the prison, you just saw it. But it wasn’t just what we saw, it’s what we heard.

These cowards have the gall to read a political statement before killing one of our kids. The only word I understood: Islam.

As they brought out the knife, they screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’ — God is great.

That’s not our God.

There has been a lot written and said about our failure to understand the culture of the Middle East. We understand barbarism. We understand evil. We understand a perverted belief system that celebrates death. We can understand an enemy that quite frankly wants to kill us all.

Our God may forgive them. Just now, tonight, I can’t. Can you?”

Notice it’s no longer “terrorists,” or even “Iraqis.” It’s the “Middle east” and “Islam.” A pretty big chunk of the planet is now our enemy.

Then again, it is May Sweeps.

Thanks to Tim Carroll for the link.

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