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Sowing The Seeds Of Our own Demise

I honestly don’t know what to say about this asshole. Media Matters is now transcribing the vitamin hustler Michael Savage’s show. Read the whole thing an e-mail it to your relatives who think that the liberal media is biased and that you are exaggerating the level of hate and violence that comes from right wing radio.

Savage is heard by six million people every day:

Savage on what should be done to the Iraqi prisoners:

And I think there should be no mercy shown to these sub-humans. I believe that a thousand of them should be killed tomorrow. I think a thousand of them held in the Iraqi prison should be given 24 hour — a trial and executed. I think they need to be shown that we are not going to roll over to them. It won’t happen. It won’t happen because of the CBS Communists. It won’t happen because of the CNN traitors. I won’t happen because of the MSNBC empty heads. And we the people are the ones who are going to suffer today. …

Instead of putting joysticks, I would have liked to have seen dynamite put in their orifices and they should be dropped from airplanes. How’s that? You like that one? Go call somebody that you want to report me to, see if I care. They should put dynamite in their behinds and drop them from 35,000 feet, the whole pack of scum out of that jail. Thank you CBS. Thank you New Yorker. Thank you Carl Levin. Thank you Ted Kennedy. Thank you Hillary Clinton. I’m sure that Mr. Berg’s parents appreciate what you’ve done for them. I’ll be right back.

Six. Million. Listeners. A. Day.


Via Atrios, I see that Yglesias has posted about one of those six million, apparently, a writer for tech central station:

Many Americans simply wish the Arabs would go away; others wish to blow them away — and wish to blow them away not because they see this step as inevitable and tragic, but because they rejoice at the prospect of getting them back for what they have done to us. Most normal Americans today just don’t care any more about the Arabs and their welfare, or about their humiliation, or about their historical grievances, simply because all the images that come to us from their world horrify and appall us, including the disturbing images of Americans doing things that no normal American would ever dream of doing to other people back at home, if only because they would never be given the opportunity.

This is how most normal Americans now feel, but they dare not express it in public. But make no mistake, this feeling will be expressed — somehow, somewhere: a fact of which our leaders and the world must be made aware before it occurs.

“The arabs.” “Normal people.” “Most.”

This tracks with one of Limbaugh’s recent whines where he claims that everybody in America feels the same way he does but political correctness prevents them from expressing it. There is nobody more ugly than a violent wing nut embracing his victimhood.

Atrios explains the psychology of the “101st Fighting keyboarders:

I’m not sure who “most normal Americans” are supposed to be, presumably that means “most other members of the 101st Fighting Keyboarders.” But, yes, the transformation from “Saddam is an evil omnipotent overlord who will kill us all” to “we are there to save the poor Iraqi people” to simply “they’re the enemy” is all going according to schedule.

The sad thing, of course, is this basic bloodlust is mostly because they invested themselves emotionally in this, somehow feel responsible for it, and all along the MO has been to turn the big guns on anyone who disagreed. Well, now the people they went to liberate disagree, so the guns will be turned on them.

And it certainly helped their delusion to have a cartoon character president who strutted around with a 560 lb codpiece pretending that he could shoot lightning bolts from his fingertips in the name of loving yer neighbor like you’d love to be loved yerself.

Matt concludes:

I’m foreseeing an ugly future. Kerry wins the election and begins the slow, painful process of rebuilding the American military, American alliances, and American global credibility. Meanwhile, on the right a new “stab in the back” theory has already emerged and the forces of resentment are growing. “We came to help them and they turned on us — now they must pay!”

That will be just one element of the wild-eyed fury on the Right when they lose the election. Their sanity is obviously hanging by a thread as it is. See, that’s what Democrats were talking about when they said they were glad Al gore wasn’t president on 9/11. Trumped up GOP impeachment hearings would have definitely interfered with the immediate needs of the victims and the response to terrorism. Don’t think they won’t do it in 2005.

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