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There Isn’t A Big Enough Tent In The World

Ok. Somebody needs to find out what Rove has on Zell. He has now become a serious danger to the Democratic Party because he is either crumbling under the stress of the blackmail or he has gone completely insane

“…I worry that the HWA – the Hand-Wringers of America – will add to their membership and continue to bash our country ad nauseam. And in doing so, hand over more innocent Americans to the enemy on a silver platter.

“So I stand with Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma, who stated that he’s “more outraged by the outrage” than by the treatment of those prisoners. More outraged by the outrage. It’s a good way of putting it. That’s exactly how this Senator from Georgia feels.”

Surely, he is not privy to any private Democratic meetings, is he? They don’t speak in front of him in the elevator or anything, do they? Might as well hand over their computer passwords to the Republicans.

Oh wait…

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