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Loosen Your Corsets, Girls

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi lashed out at President Bush on Thursday, saying his Iraq policies show incompetence and the only conclusion to draw is that “the emperor has no clothes.”

“I believe that the president’s leadership and the actions taken in Iraq demonstrate an incompetence in terms of knowledge, judgment and experience,” the California Democrat told reporters at a Capitol Hill news conference.

Oh, oh… I think I’m going to faint. This is such… it’s such… oh, I have to sit down…

Steve Schmidt, a spokesman for the Bush-Cheney campaign, said the comments “represent a grotesque political attack. They’re simply outrageous and the American people will reject that type of blame America first. … American troops are bravely fighting the terrorist enemy and it is the terrorists who are responsible for the violence, not the president.”

Oh Edward, Edward…please make them stop the horrible hatred…

Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie issued the following statement today in response to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s statement that ‘Bush is an incompetent leader,’ that the President has ‘no judgment, no experience and no knowledge’ and that he has the deaths of thousands of soldiers ‘on his shoulders.’

“To angry Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Ted Kennedy, terrorists and militia aren’t responsible for the deaths of U.S. soldiers, their commander-in-chief is. And our servicemen and women, in putting torture chambers ‘under U.S. management,’ are no different than a regime that systematically tortured, raped and killed its own people. The San Francisco/Boston Democrats led by John Kerry have now adopted Blame America First as their official policy. “

Oh my heavens … Blame America First! Does anyone have any burning feathers? I think I’m going blind…

Have mercy. Stop these San Francisco liberals from saying that our brave leader is incompetent. It’s unbearable to listen to!

This administration cannot be trusted to govern if it cannot be counted on to think and, having thought, to have second thoughts… Being steadfast in defense of carefully considered convictions is a virtue. Being blankly incapable of distinguishing cherished hopes from disappointing facts, or of reassessing comforting doctrines in face of contrary evidence, is a crippling political vice.

Dear God. Make them stop!

President Bush’s mantra of “stay the course” rings increasingly hollow in the face of abrupt policy reversals that reek of desperation. First the U.S. kept Baathists out of government; now it is inviting them back in. First it dissolved the Iraqi army; now it is re-creating it. First it sidelined the United Nations; now it is counting on the U.N. to form a new government.

Jeeves, my laudenum, poste haste. These Democrats are so evil, so cruel. I can listen no more…

I think it’s a total nightmare and disaster, and I’m ashamed that I went against my own instincts in supporting it. It’s something I’ll never do again. Never. I got convinced by a friend of mine who’s smarter than I am, and I shouldn’t have done that. No. I want things to work out, but I’m enraged by it, actually.

“O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain!”

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