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Moral Relativism

Reading the words in my post below by that glorious symbol of rectituide and traditional American values,Trent Lott, made me think back to a time when the good senator was extremely upset by some bad behavior:

Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) said yesterday President Clinton has lost credibility, stature and the ‘moral dimension’ of his presidency, but he withheld judgment on whether the president should resign or be impeached and removed from office.

Lott said his mention months ago of censure as a possible alternative to impeachment was not meant as a suggested course of action and he now appeared cool to the idea. ‘That was March. This is the first of September . . . and a lot has happened since then,’ Lott said, referring to Clinton’s acknowledgment he had an affair with former intern Monica S. Lewinsky after denying it for seven months.

Lott called the president’s relationship with Lewinsky ‘disgusting.’ He added: ‘I am very disappointed by what has been coming forward, that apparently these acts did occur in the White House and that he, in effect, lied about it.’

Lott, who has had little to say about Clinton since the president addressed the nation about the issue two weeks ago, volunteered his comments at the start of news conference shortly after the Senate returned from a month-long recess.

‘As a husband and father, I am offended by the president’s behavior,’ Lott said. But as a senator and congressional leader, he added, he must judgment until independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr submits his report to Congress about potentially impeachable offenses, presumably later this month.

Lott’s statement was in line with an earlier go-slow signal from House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), indicating a reluctance on the part of the top GOP leadership to appear overly partisan in pursuit of Clinton. It contrasted with a more aggressive approach by other Republican leaders such as House Majority Whip Tom DeLay (Tex.), who is pushing for Clinton to resign.

Despite reserving judgment on Clinton’s future, Lott left no doubt that he condemned the president’s behavior in the strongest possible terms. He said Clinton had set a “tragic example . . . for the young people of this country,” and added: “There is a moral dimension to the American presidency, and today that dimension, that power, has been lost in scandal and in deception.”

Lott stressed that the scandal would not undermine unity of the government in the face of terrorist or other threats but questioned whether Clinton could provide the leadership to cope with them.

“Can he provide leadership without the necessary respect and with the problems that he has?” Lott asked. “That’s what really matters: Will he, can he, provide leadership at a very critical time, internationally and domestically? And I guess only time will answer that question.”

Unlike some other Republicans, Lott did not quarrel with Clinton’s decision to go to Russia yesterday. “Obviously the timing is not ideal,” he said. But “I do think that if he had canceled at this particular time . . . it would have made perhaps a bad situation even worse.”

Lott also cautioned Clinton and the Democrats against confrontational tactics to divert attention from the scandal, saying the president has lost the credibility to blame Republicans if a government shutdown results from a standoff over spending bills for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1.

Can you believe how seriously they took that nonsense? It’s almost quaint, isn’t it? This was only 6 years ago. It’s not ancient history.

Trent Lott and his friends were saying that the moral failing of the president, which consisted of 7 acts of consensual fellatio, was so great that it was questionable whether he could lead the country in the event of a crisis. It now appears that if Clinton had instead tortured or killed an innocent person he would have been in the clear.

What do you suppose Jesus would think of that, Trent?

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