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Sending A Message

I thought it would be nice to hear what our troops are listening to today as they toil in dangerous places, particularly the middle east. This is what they’re hearing from home:

Algore, this whole speech, he went nuts. He’s flailing around wildly there. Not just me, he’s attacking everybody who has led the nation through 9/11, the war on terrorism, and he’s making statements that are flat out lies in this speech. For example, the Geneva Conventions. I don’t know how many of you know this, the Geneva Conventions do not protect terrorists. They protect soldiers who serve under a nation who wear uniforms who carry their weapons openly, and with the kind of threat that we’re facing today with terrorist cells in the U.S. plotting an even bigger attack than 9/11. I mean, it says a lot about Gore. It says he’s perverse, that he would be argue to go confer greater rights on those who seek to murder millions of Americans and calling for even tougher actions to seek them out and destroy them before they destroy us, and this is what is truly puzzling to me about the left, and this is what’s disarming about these prison photos.

What really troubles me about these photos, above and beyond what’s in them, is how they’re being used to undermine our war effort. Now we have the former vice president, a man who was thisclose to becoming president of the United States, speak out in this speech. We haven’t played you the bites, but he was flailing around on the Geneva Convention. He starts talking about conferring more rights on the kind of people who want to murder tens of thousands more Americans than he does seem interested in dealing with the people who want to commit those murders. He has succeeded in giving our adversaries in Europe and our enemies in the caves of Afghanistan and the allies of Iraq a message that they’ll take to heart, and that is that we are not a united nation, that we do not have the will to win this war, and that we are weak and indecisive. That’s the message that Gore sends today, and it’s the wrong message, because it’s a lie, and beyond that it is an outrage.

I don’t think anything of this kind has ever been done by a former vice president during a war, but our adversaries and our enemies would be badly mistaken if they actually believe that Gore speaks for this nation, because he doesn’t. I speak for more of this nation than Algore does, and I will say it on this program. Otherwise, why is he bothering to mention my name? He speaks for the radical fringe in his party who have become more and more the mainstream of his party. They are the Hate-America First radical left, and I hope the American people get to hear all of this speech. I hope it’s played over and over again, for this is how low Gore and his crowd are willing to go to undermine the war effort and our troops and this president to promote themselves and their own agenda and get themselves back into power. Lest we forget, Algore and his boss, Bill Clinton, stood by while the enemy was plotting and planning to murder thousands of Americans.

They did nothing serious to stop bin Laden. They did nothing serious to fight terrorism. They degraded or military. They slashed our troop levels, undermined our intelligence services. Today calls for civil rights for terrorists in his speech while opposing the Patriot Act which helps us find and stop terrorist cells right here in our country, and Gore has said nothing about how he would fight this evil because he’s obsessed with hatred not for the enemy but for George W. Bush — and that’s what identifies That’s what identifies most of the fringe, radical left in this country. They actually think Bush is a greater threat to the people of this world and this country than any thug dictator, Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong ll, anybody. They think Bush poses a greater threat, and as misguided as that is, this is what animates them. It is what motivates them and inspires them.

I’m sure glad the boys and girls in uniform are kept up to date on current affairs, aren’t you? And I’m sure they heard Gore’s entire speech so they could judge for themselves if what Rush says is true. Certainly on All Things Considered or Marketplace they’ll be addressing the question of whether the Democrats caused 9/11 and support terrorism. It wouldn’t be fair and balanced otherwise.

Rush might be causing just the teeniest, tiniest bit of confusion, though, when the troops in Iraq hear that the Geneva Conventions don’t apply to people who aren’t in uniform. But, hey , I’m sure Goober and Gomer know that Rush Limbaugh doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I can’t imagine that hearing stuff like this would make some pissed off national guardsman think that his countrymen support his treating Iraqi people like animals.

Thanks to Seeing the Forest for the heads up. Read Dave’s entire piece. It’s great.

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