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You have to admire the loyalty among Republican hitmen. Even when confronted by a fellow traveller with irrefutable evidence of their pal’s depraved thuggery, they simply refuse to acknowledge that it even happened. This is a rare thing. In fact, I think it happens only in the Republican Party and the mafia.

O’REILLY: Now are you buying into the — this is just a hazing thing at Abu Ghraib?

COULTER: What, the media is hazing the American people by seeing how much we can take?

O’REILLY: Some of the right wing commentators say it’s just hazing, what’s the big deal? Are you buying into that?

COULTER: No, I don’t think anyone is.

O’REILLY: No, they are. You know that. I’m not going to embarrass people but on the radio, talk radio you have right wing commentators say it’s just hazing, what’s the big deal?

COULTER: If I know what you’re referring to, there were two hours and 59 minutes not saying that and at one point making fun of liberals for making fun of — if you’re talking about Rush, but Rush went on…

O’REILLY: …program and he said it’s not a big deal, it’s just hazing.

COULTER: If you’re talking about Rush, he definitely didn’t say that.What other talk radio hosts say…

O’REILLY: I compete against him every day on the radio and I know what he says. He said many, many times and not only him that it wasn’t a big deal.

COULTER: No, he didn’t say that, but whatever — no.”

Ann, of course, has other ideas about what caused the torture:

I think the other point that no one is making about the abuse photos is just the disproportionate number of women involved, including a girl general running the entire operation.

I mean, this is lesson, you know, one million and 47 on why women shouldn’t be in the military. In addition to not being able to carry even a medium-sized backpack, women are too vicious.

And that makes a certain amount of sense coming from her. Ann probably believes that she is a normal woman rather than the shrill, shrieking succubus that she is. It’s an understandable mistake.

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