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Bobo’s Confused

Hey, I’m just curious, but did David Brooks have some sort of brain tumor or accident that gave him amnesia about the years 1992 to yesterday?

He seems to be having a lot of trouble understanding why the country is so polarized. The only way to explain this would be if he had been unconscious during the years that his party has spent lying, cheating, intimidating, bullying and harrassing the “liberals” as if they were some sort of sub-human species that had no right to participate in the political realm.

Perhaps someone should send Bobo a copy of this:


There can be no doubt that we live in one of the most tumultuous political climates of the nation’s history, a climate where politicians can be toppled on a whim, election results disputed in the country’s highest courts, and governors unceremoniously recalled. It’s enough to leave even the most cynical voter asking, how did this happen?

Harry Thomason and Nickolas Perry’s incendiary documentary, based on the best-selling book by Gene Lyons and Joe Conason, offers a glimpse at the genesis of these partisan vendettas and explores the myths and truths behind the nearly ten year campaign to systematically destroy the political legacy of the Clintons.

Using previously unreleased materials, interviews, and shocking revelations from both sides of the beltway, this probing work focuses on the smear campaign against Clinton from his gubernatorial days in Arkansas leading up to and including his impeachment trial. Kenneth Starr fans, beware.

Less of an advocacy film and more of an alarming treatise on the political power of the media and personal interests, The Hunting of the President offers us a gallery of defeated politicians, disappointed office seekers, right-wing pamphleteers, wealthy eccentrics, zany private detectives, religious fanatics and die-hard segregationists, all chiming in discord from the tops of their soapboxes.

It would make a nice summer double bill with Fahrenheit 911, don’t you think?

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