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Your terrorist has no regard for human life. Not even his own.

I missed his show last night and didn’t get a chance until just now to catch it, but I just have to say, “bless you Jon Stewart.”

He’s the only voice I’ve heard outside the blogosphere who shows the proper incredulity that the United States of America is actually having a national debate about whether we should legally torture people, a large number of whom don’t seem to be guilty of anything more than being at the wrong place and the wrong time.

9/11 was bad. But, we don’t have to go this far. This War On Terror has gone completely over the top and it’s getting frighteningly Kubrickian.

I honestly don’t think we could have had a worse administration to be in power during a terrorist attack. Bin Laden was very lucky that he waited until he had a president who would overreact to such an extent that we’d destroy ourselves almost immediately. Now he knows that all he has to do is pop up and say boo once in a while and we’ll go all to pieces.

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