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Da Comrade Norquist!

Kevin at Catch has more on what he calls the Ronald Reagan Lunacy project:

In a statement on the project’s Web site,, Norquist said, “Ronald Reagan was the greatest leader of the free world in the 20th Century. Franklin Delano Roosevelt left Europe half-enslaved. (Winston) Churchill left Britain in economic decline.

“Ronald Reagan both defeated the Soviet Union and began a period of economic growth that has lasted a generation and continues to this very day.”

At first, Norquist backed the idea of replacing Roosevelt’s likeness on the dime with Reagan’s. But that has met resistance from Democrats.

Chris Butler, executive director of the legacy project, said, “The ten dollar bill is a more prestigious location. The dime is so small you can hardly see the face. The name is given on paper currency.”

Chris Butler knows that size does matter.

And it’s so hard to tell those presidents apart if you don’t have the name written there.

But, let’s be serious. The only patriotic thing to do is put Reagan on all the money.

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