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Another Snootfull ‘O Freedom

A suicide car bomb in central Baghdad ripped into a throng of men waiting at a recruiting station to sign up for the new Iraqi army today, killing at least 35 people and wounding at least 138, hospital officials said.


The explosion at the army recruiting station in Baghdad caused by artillery shells packed into a car raised questions about whether the Americans and Iraqi security forces could even protect men willing to sign up.

Saddam was a madman who tortured and gassed his own people and all, but nobody ever said he didn’t have some good ideas:

Iraq’s new defense minister, Hazim al-Shaalan, promised a bloody crackdown on the insurgents. “We will cut off their hands and behead them,” he said.

The deputy United States defense secretary, Paul Wolfowitz, who is visiting Iraq, suggested that Iraq’s security forces were still far from being able to patrol the country alone and would need “substantial help” for some time, Reuters reported.

Much more “help” from us and Iraq is going to look like the set of a Mad Max movie.

Would mayhem be considered as severely painful as organ failure, I wonder? That wasn’t discussed specifically in the torture memos so we can’t really be sure. But, it would certainly be justified under the “necessity” clause of Iraq’s new constitution (modeled after ours, of course) in which the president can do whatever he wants whenever he thinks it’s necessary. Maybe a few of those bad insurgency apples would think twice about doing this kind of thing if they lost a hand or two.

Saddam, after all, had great success with the cutting off of ears.

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