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If I Can Take It:

Rumsfeld scribbled a note on Haynes’ memo that said, “However, I stand for 8-10 hours a day. Why is standing limited to 4 hours.”

Gosh, while he stands is he also being interrogated naked, shackled, subject to “mild, non-injurious physical contact such as grabbing, poking in the chest with the finger and light pushing” with a vicious German Shepard trying to take a bite out of his privates? I had no idea that the culture at the pentagon was so like a concentration camp.

On the other hand, a similar note by Doug Feith was found questioning why prisoners shouldn’t be required to wear women’s underwear on their heads since he and Wolfowitz both wear teddies and garter belts underneath their Brooks Brothers.

See, it’s all in how you look at it.

Update: corrected grammatical error

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