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One Simply Doesn’t, Darling

I was so relieved to see another card carrying liberal standing up for what’s right against all this unseemly politicking by those nasty Democrats. And how very clever he is to use someone who isn’t actually a Democrat to do it. 

Ron Reagan also proceeds as something of a medium, channeling his father’s unknowable views on such matters as Bush’s very public religiosity. At Reagan’s interment in Simi Valley, Calif., for instance, he said, “Dad was also a deeply, unabashedly religious man, but he never made the fatal mistake of so many politicians — wearing his faith on his sleeve to gain political advantage.”

Let’s leave aside the implied accusation that Bush is publicly religious not out of conviction but “to gain political advantage” and question the appropriateness of the statement — at the burial and citing the dead Reagan. And let us also concede that if Ron Reagan were not his father’s son, not only would he not have been at that funeral — by virtue of what achievement? — but no one would have paid him any attention. He had, as he well knew, expropriated his father’s fame and stature for his own purposes.

It is the same with stem cell research. Once again, Ron Reagan will be speaking solely because of his name and because, by implication, he is articulating his dead father’s convictions. Maybe he is — I would like to think so — but there is no way of knowing where Ronald Reagan would have stood on stem cell research. He was not, to say the least, a rigorous thinker and might well have wound up in Bush’s corner. Who knows? “

Thank goodness, we have good, right thinking liberals out there who are willing to defend Crusader Codpiece’s religiosity as true and authentic, publicly opine that President Reagan would likely have backed Bush’s stem cell plan, call the anti-Bush son of the GOP icon a phony and a grave robber and generously compile a handy list of talking points that John Moody can simply xerox and pass out to the press.(“Even the radical leftist Richard Cohen said….”) And how terribly clever of him to criticize this “Jr” for shamefully appropriating his father’s name.  Ooooh, the Bushies must have gotten quite a giggle out of that one.

Left leaning pundits simply must carry water for Republicans whenever they can because  otherwise rude people would call into question their  superiority as individuals and we simply can’t have that. The rule is that you may be critical of Republicans one out of every three columns, but if you do more than that, people will begin to suspect your gentlemanly credentials. Why, how ever would one hold one’s head up over the vichyssoise at Sally’s if one could not believably titter condescendingly about the hapless Democrats?

I’m telling you, the Democrats’ worst enemies are the liberal punditocrisy. They are useful idiots at best and consciously social climbing at worst. They either don’t understand the game the GOP is playing or they are too self-absorbed to see it. Either way, their total co-option by the Mighty Wurlitzer agenda is truly impressive.

That Reagan Jr fellow has very bad manners. Just like the Democrats who are giving him a platform for his depraved body snatching speech. He may be right on the issue, but it’s so ill-bred for him to bring it up. I don’t want anyone to think that I don’t notice that. I simply must call things as I see them. That’s why I’m superior to the partisan rabble. Uhm, Sally this potage is just delicious. As are you, my dear.

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