I know that many people believe that Kerry has not sufficiently come out swinging against Bush for his lies and distortions. It is said that if he would only look the American people in the eye and tell it like it is, he would win in a landslide. Like those before him he has simply refused to fight back.
Well, he has a new ad out and people should be relieved that he’s finally taking the fight to the Republicans. Here’s the transcript.
(Open on TV set showing Bush negative ad, camera pulls back)
“I’m fed up with it. I’ve never seen anything like it in 25 years of public life, George Bush’s negative TV ads. Distorting my record, full of lies and he knows it.
I’m on the record for the very weapons systems his ads say I’m against. I want to build a strong defense, I’m sure he wants to build a strong defense so this isn’t about defense issues. It’s about dragging the truth into the gutter. And I’m not going to let them do it. This campaign is too important the stakes are too high for every American family. The real question is will we have a president who fights for the privileged few or will we have a president who fights for you.
George Bush wants to give the wealthiest 1% of the people in this country a new tax break worth 30 thousand dollars a year. I’m fighting for you and your family, for affordable housing and health care for better jobs for the best education and opportunity for our children.
Its a tough fight. I know that. Up hill all the all the way. But I’m going to keep on fighting because what I’m fighting for is our future.”
You can see the ad here.
Plus Ca Change, Plus C’est La Meme Chose