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One-Two Punch

I just love the good cop/ bad cop schtick that Carlson and Novak are playing on Crossfire. They really should take this show on the road.


Novack: There are many charges that John Kerry has falsified his military records and falsified his medals. Shouldn’t he release his records to prove that this is not true? All he has to do is sign form XSXX and he can put all these rumors to rest.

Carville/Begala: !!!!%%##@$##@!!!!

Carlson: See, doesn’t this prove just how unseemly all this talk of Vietnam is — a war that happened decades ago and is completely irrelevant to anything people care about today?

First you spew some wild and unsubstantiated charges and then come back with the soothing bromide that Vietnam doesn’t really matter, thus creating the impression that Kerry is even worse than Bush about lying about his record while simultaneously using that same accusation as the rationale for ignoring Kerry’s real record as a war hero.

Very slick.

One thought about this constant refrain I’m hearing today from GOP whores about the irrelevance of Kerry’s Vietnam service. Woodruff practically grabbed Max Cleland by the throat and demanded that he tell her why in Gawd’s name we should even give a second thought to this boring Vietnam crapola.

Might I suggest that people say that when a man runs for president his past is his resume. Kerry’s Vietnam experience is a demonstration of his courage, his judgment, his leadership and his coolness under pressure. Those facets of his character were clear when he was a young naval officer and they were present when he was a federal prosecutor and they are present in the US Senate. These are the traits a man needs to lead this country in times of great challenge both here and at home.

That’s what the whores need to hear. It’s obvious, I know, but they have been given their talking points and they won’t shut up until you shut them up.

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