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Traitors and Spinners

Please shoot me if I ever, ever forget how loathesome Joe Lieberman really is. The TAPPED convention blog fills us in on his latest reprehensible, deplorable GOP ass-kissing:

FOX NEWS, 9:27 P.M.: Which is the bigger disgrace: Joe Lieberman’s recent decision to join the reconstituted Committee on the Present Danger, or Joe Lieberman’s just-finished performance on Hannity and Colmes? Bad-mouthing the convention delegates, brushing off Florida 2000 as water under the bridge, criticizing Al Gore specifically for his post 9-11 speeches and Democrats in general for their criticisms of Bush (‘I’ve felt more comfortable here, where it’s all scripted, then I have been with what’s been said leading up to the convention’) — he was a gift that kept on giving, for segment after segment. Hannity loved him.

It could actually be worse, though. On CNN they have Ralph Reed on immediately spinning the speech before the Democrats have a chance to do it from their perspective … and, of course, it’s now 11pm in the east and people are tuning out. I just hate this he said/she said format. Although I don’t know that it’s any improvement having Chris Matthews and Howard Fineman spewing pre-fab conventional wisdom.

Once again, it’s time to turn the television off.

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