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Man With A Past

Kevin Drum says, in regard to the catholic advisor who resigned from Bush’s campaign today when it was revealed that he had a little problem in his past with drinking and screwing underage girls:

“It sure sounds like an awful lot of people have known about Hudson’s background for a long time.”

As it happens, one of the commenters to my post on this subject from earlier today had this to say:

I could NOT BE HAPPIER to learn that Deal Hudson has finally been hoist up on the petard of his shady past. He was a visiting professor at NYU while he was at Fordham, and I was one of his students there. He regularly invited his female students out for after-class margaritas. He would get very drunk and sloppy. It was clear to me then that he would have been open for any sexual turn the evening might have taken (although I failed to provide that turn signal). He was irresponsible in the ways that alcoholics are irresponsible: missing deadlines for recommendations, blowing off independent study projects, borrowing things and continually forgetting to return them despite numerous reminders. I heard about the Fordham incident and wasn’t surprised, but boy was I shocked when I saw his elevation to presidential adviser. I figured it would blow up in his face, and I shed no tears to see that it has.

This guy was in charge of Catholic outreach for the Bush campaign. It appears he had quite a history of reaching out … and grabbing young girls.

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