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In the post below, I highlighted something that I haven’t seen anyone comment upon. This ex-POW, Kenneth Cordier, a man who has held other POW’s to account for accepting early release from the North Vietnamese as traitors, is the subject of a letter to the editor in the Dallas Morning News as follows:

“Last month, a lone bagpiper marched to the tune of “Amazing Grace” as silence fell over the distinguished guests, choir, color guard and the veterans and families who came to dedicate the Irving Veteran’s Memorial Park honoring those who gave “the last full measure of devotion” to their nation.

Unfortunately, one of the invested [sic] guests, retired Air Force Col. Ken Cordier, a decorated former Vietnam POW and experienced speaker, chose to politicize this solemn event. In an attempt at levity, he defended the pulling of ladies’ panties over the faces of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. interrogators at Abu Ghraib as preferable to beheading. His inappropriate, Limbaughistic comments detracted from the reverence and purpose of this event.

Richard A. Widener, Irving”


Of all the people to make mock of the depravity visited upon those prisoners at Abu Ghraib, a former POW is the last one I’d expect to see doing it. I wonder if he will find it so amusing when our guys are imprisoned and sexually humiliated in the future. I suppose he will counsel the prisoners and their families to comfort themselves with the fact that “at least it wasn’t a beheading.”

30 year old bitterness and rage is a very ugly thing and I think we are seeing how it can warp some people into a twisted version of their former selves. In some ways these guys are to be pitied. That war messed them up so badly they apparently lost their humanity.

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