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Miscalculator In Chief

It looks as if the Kerry campaign and I are on the same wavelength regarding Bush’s statement that he “miscalculated” the conditions ensuring from the “catastrophic success” of the invasion of Iraq. I wrote a couple of days ago:

I think Junior just made a tactical error. Kerry and every other Democrat appearing in the media should wrap that statement around his neck. This is a trap if they want to spring it…he’s now simultaneously admitted that he screwed up big time on the single most important issue a president ever faces, while also saying that he has no intention of trying to figure out what went wrong. That is the worst of all possible worlds. It’s best not to have to admit screwing up something as important as war planning but if you do you simply have to make the case that learned from the experience and you won’t do it again. He didn’t do that. Iraq is a massive failure and the president has just opened the door to his own culpability on that.

From various press information I’ve received today, it looks like we can expect to hear the word “miscalulate” about 763,000 times in the next few weeks.

As I wrote in the earlier piece, one of the nice side effects of this particular claim is that somebody told Bush that he needed to admit to making a mistake — I think because they knew that his bumbling inability to think of anything he could have done better was going to be used against him. If Kerry succeeds in wrapping Bush’s admission that he screwed up the iraq war around his neck, then somebody in Junior’s inner circle is going to pay. I’m betting it was Karen.

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