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It’s A Medical Condition

The Howler features a small passage from Ziggy Zell’s Dem bashing tome. Holy Moley:

[M]y conscience travels with me everywhere I go, like some unwelcome inner companion. I cannot escape him and is he tough. He is on steroids, has a Black Belt and long fingernails, and stomps around inside of me, sometimes in hobnailed boots. He’s been there as long as I can remember. Although it’s getting tougher and tougher for me to blow out all the candles on my birthday cake, he just grows stronger—and louder.

Keep it in mind tonight that Zell is really talking to the voice in his head — like the guy who hangs out in front of Starbucks screaming at invisible enemies.

They have medication for this problem and unlike most of his constituents, whom he purports to love, he has health insurance to pay for it. Maybe Dr. Feelfrist can write him a scrip. I hear Rush has some contacts too.

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