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Rush Limbaugh has been predicting for weeks that liberals would be celebrating the 1000th death. I haven’t noticed any dancing in the streets. The right, on the other hand is very upset.

Kevin writes that the 101st Fighting Keyboarders are pissed off and ready to rumble:

If I see one more headline like this, I’m gonna beat somebody:

U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq Pass 1,000

So F**KING what?

Kevin adds:

From the Associated Press:

“I want pictures of you, to see how big your belly is getting. How much my baby is growing inside of you. Not being with you makes me weak. You are the link that makes my chain strong. You complete me in every way.”

Army Sgt. Micheal Dooley, 23, of Pulaski, Va., in a letter home to his wife, Christine, who was six months pregnant with his daughter, Shea Micheal Dooley, when he died.

You can’t blame that little cretin. In America, “real men” are too manly to mourn soldiers dying in wars they support but can’t be bothered to fight. Just ask George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. They’ve spent a lifetime doing it. And, no one is more manly than they.

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