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A Country Full Of Zealots

Craig Crawford notes that if swing voters are turned off by the negative tone of the campaign and don’t vote, it would turn the election “into a test of the turnout strength of each side’s faithful.”

“That, sadly, would put the next four years in the hands of those seduced by the shrill sound of ideological zealotry. Such people should not be labeled ‘true believers,’ because they have allowed themselves to believe the most ridiculous lies being spread, frequently on the Internet, about one candidate or the other. Rabid Democrats insist that Bush and Cheney sent young Americans to their death in Iraq just to make money for Halliburton. Equally rabid Republicans insist that Kerry deliberately shot himself for a war medal.”

“If these are the people who now decide elections, Heaven help us.”

Yes, it’s definitely better that 17 uninformed morons who would refuse to vote based upon their dislike of all that icky “negativity” do the deciding. Those are the kind of citizens that make this country great.

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