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Two Extra Memos

I’m no expert on the arcana of the Killian documents, but I hadn’t been aware until a reader alerted me that there are six memos rather than the four reported by CBS linked on the USA Today site. Maybe everyone already knows about these other two, but they were news to me.

The first is dated 02 February, 1972 and says simply

Subject: Flight Qualifications


Update me as soon as possible on flight certifications, specifically Bath and Bush.

The other is dated 24 June, 1973 and says:

Subject: Bush, George W. 1st Lt.32447544FG


1. I got a call from your staff concerning the evaluation of 1st Lt Bush due this month. His rater is Lt. Colonel Harris.

2. Neither Lt Colonel Harris or I feel we can rate 1st Lt. Bush since he was not training with 111 F.I.S since April 1972. His recent activity is outside the rating period.

3. Advise how we are supposed to handle this.

Like I said, I’m not an expert and don’t want to become one, but these two docs were news to me. The note concerning Bush and Bath from February 1972 is particularly intriguing.

Here’s the USA Today pdf link.

If I’m not just misinformed here, I think it’s a bit odd that USA today has two documents that CBS never reported. They don’t mention it in their article. Where did they come from?

UPDATE: Apparently DU has been on this all day and has lots of intrigue. I’m not all that engaged in the details on this so if you want to get the latest go over there and check it out. In case anybody doesn’t know the illustrious history of Bush and Bath, here’s a handy site.

UPDATE II: Kevin Drum talked to the USA Today reporters who say that they received the memos from their own sources. One does wonder why they published them but didn’t mention that they had their own sources or that there were two more memos. Very strange.

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