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Gary Farber helped me to figure out why I’ve been having disturbing dreams of bouncing a tennis racket off of Scott McClellan’s face every night:



On Sunday night, Scott McClellan, the president’s press secretary, told of Mr. Kerry’s comments, said: “Senator Kerry wants to return to the failed policies of the previous administration, where the U.S. was duped. We’ve been down that road before and we have no intention of letting it happen again.”

We are instead far better off with the failed policies of the current administration! Look how much safer we are, today, from the threat of North Korea achieving nuclear weapons, thanks to the Strength™ of the Bush Administration!

It’s just that simple. Anything else is just rhetoric.

Truly has there ever been a more arrogant administration? This, apparently, is a real step forward:

A mushroom cloud that towered over a remote corner of North Korea last Thursday was a result of a huge blast to prepare earthworks for a hydroelectric dam, the North said Monday.

Bill Rammell, a British Foreign Office official, met with Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun of North Korea to discuss the incident, according to a BBC correspondent in Pyongyang.”It was no nuclear explosion or an accident,” Rammell quoted Paek as saying. “It was a deliberate, controlled detonation to demolish a mountain in the far north. The Press Association of Britain gave similar details about the explosion in a pool report, and Xinhua, China’s press agency, quoted a North Korean Foreign Ministry official with the same explanation. In a pool report received by Reuters in London, Rammell noted that he had asked permission for “our ambassador and other ambassadors to be allowed to visit the scene of the explosion.” “I am very pleased the North Koreans have agreed to the request,” he said. North Korea’s neighbors, China, Russia and South Korea, have reported no increased radiation releases.

But five days after seismic detectors picked up the blast, there were as many questions unanswered Monday as after the train explosion on April 22 that leveled a railroad station and killed 171 people shortly after the passage of a train carrying Kim Jong Il, North Korea’s dictator, whose father was Kim Il Sung, the nation’s founder. If the government planned to blast apart a mountain on Thursday, the 56th anniversary of the founding of North Korea, why do it in the middle of night, when no heroic propaganda videos could be made?

The date was purely a coincidence, I’m sure. Clearly, the reality is that Kim Jong Il is so afraid of Crusader Codpiece that he is trying to get the American people to vote for his good friend John Kerry who will let him have all the nuclear bombs he wants. At least Senator Roberts thinks so:

SEN. PAT ROBERTS (R), KANSAS: It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if Kim Jong Il would think in some deranged way that if he had some kind of a test that that would affect the election. I don’t know if that’s the case, but that could be one of the conjecturing that is going on in the intelligence assessment.

BLITZER: What would be his motive in trying to affect the U.S. election, Senator Roberts?

ROBERTS: Oh, just to cause, you know, more concern in regards to possible terrorist attack, and they would then be the eighth nation that would have the kind of nuclear capability and what we’re working against.

We were able to convince Libya to, you know, go the other way; same thing with Pakistan; same thing with other countries. But it’s very hard to predict what Kim Jong Il will do. He’s just not very predictable.

BLITZER: Before we move on, are you suggesting he would like to see President Bush defeated?

ROBERTS: Well, I think that’s probably the case. I’m not going to go out on a limb and say he’s endorsing — or anybody that would want any kind of endorsement from Kim Jong Il.

I’m just thinking in terms of what he is up to, we have to very closely monitor it. And I’m saying the intelligence is mixed, and we’ll continue that monitoring.

Yeah, he’s obviously very afraid of Junior. That’s why he’s building nuclear weapons right in front of the whole world while John Bolton ineffectually shakes his tiny fist and Lil’ George pulls his proverbial pud. This is working out really well. I sure hope Bush gets elected. Maybe we can have a full fledged nuclear war. That’ll teach ’em who’s boss.

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