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Mighty Casio Needs To Crank Up

I wonder what would happen if Democrats worked as hard at discrediting this bogus polling as the Republicans have worked at discrediting those stupid National Guard documents?

Of course we couldn’t fall back on decades of charges of liberal bias to get anyone to pay attention, but if even the Wall Street Journal admits that the polls are screwy you’d think we could get just a little attention to the polling firms’ bizarre and unsubstantiated notion that there are suddenly much larger numbers of self-identified Republicans in the country than ever before.

I wonder if it might then be possible to reframe the horserace coverage to the real story. Why is an incumbent president who had a 90% approval rating for a large chunk of his presidency having such a hard time closing the deal? Incumbents don’t usually have to fight for their lives in the middle of a war unless something has gone terribly wrong.

Oh, and by the way, if the president were really 13 points ahead, he would not have agreed to three debates. This is, after all, a president who has faced the press in formal news conferences fewer times than any president in history. He would not subject himself to three sessions of unscripted questions if he were confident he had it in the bag. They know they’re tied and need to break out.

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