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The Mediawhore Doctrine

Goddamn it. Wolf Blitzer just asked William Cohen about the so-called “Kerry Doctrine” and then defined it exactly as the Bush campaign is in its talking points — you know, the nonsense about about giving foreign countries veto power over our security yada, yada, yada.

Cohen gave a nice scholorly response that glazed the eyes of every listener before they realized that he was obliquely saying that the spin was full of shit.

Time to blast Wolfie, folks. Call if you can. This “Kerry Doctrine” thing is being pushed by the wingnuts with everything they have, and the whores are eating it with a spoon. Blitzer knows very well that Kerry did not actually say that he would allow other nations to veto America’s right to preemptive self defense. He challenged Condi Rice on that subject just yesterday by showing the entire clip from the debate and explaining it quite lucidly. He knows that it is bullshit yet he continues to “ask” people about it as if there really was some controversy about what Kerry said.

And he is spreading this meme “The Kerry Doctrine” a phrase that Kerry has never used, mainly because what he was talking about already had a name — the Pre-emption Doctrine and we’ve been living under it for more than fifty years.

Blitzer’s CNN Complaints Form


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