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Stop The Presses

Media Matters exposes the fact that Tim Russert is a whore. Seems he forgot to mention last night that he knew that Cheney had met Edwards before.

KATIE COURIC (Today co-host):… the vice president said he had never met John Edwards until tonight, talking about pretty much being an absentee senator, but you say that’s not true.

RUSSERT: No, it’s not true. In fact, on April 8th of 2001, they were on Meet the Press together. Dick Cheney first, and then John Edwards after him.

COURIC: Well, why did he say that?

RUSSERT: And they stopped and shook hands. They were at a prayer meeting together. I think what he was trying to — maybe he didn’t remember — but he clearly is trying to give the impression that John Edwards is a young ambitious man in a hurry who just doesn’t stop by the Senate and do his job in a serious way, but is out campaigning and politicking, suggesting it’s all politics. I was surprised that —

COURIC: On the other hand, if you — if you misspeak like that and — and are dishonest about it, that can backfire, right?

RUSSERT: Sure. I wish — I thought that John Edwards would call him on it right at that very moment. I still don’t know why. I think it goes to your point, he was always trying to find a — a bigger issue to take on.

Of course Little Russ forgot to mention any of that in the immediate aftermath of the debate when people were watching. This does not surprise me. But, since when did Katie Couric, like, totally turn into Malibu Barbie?

“It was interesting how they didn’t really respond to each other’s criticisms. Oftentimes they would — somebody would make a point, and then they wouldn’t be responsive, they would just say another point against that candidate.

No duh. It’s so wierd when they do that. It’s like they’re trying to change the conversation or something. It’s kewl that Katie totally noticed that too. And she’s only been in journalism for, like, 25 years. Awesome.

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