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Zen Master

Kos called Kerry that tonight and I think it’s true. The guy just has a sense of inner confidence and centeredness that is very reassuring. He is a mature, fully realized human being. I think that peopole had forgotten that this is something we can expect in our leaders. It’s with a strong sense of relief that I watch him in action and see him prevail.

I would bet that by Friday the conventional wisdom will be that Kerry won all three debates. And the CW, for once, will be right.

The next two weeks are going to be a wild ride, but the wind is at our backs.

I think it’s time for Democrats to start giving our man Kerry a little bit of credit. He’s a very impressive politician and a very impressive man. Cool under fire, smart as a whip and hard as nails. Some months back I wrote that Kerry has been fighting the right since he was a very young man and may be the best qualified man in America for these times. I think I was right. He’s the right man at the right time to set this country back on course. I’m proud to be voting for him.

For the first time since 9/11, I am feeling a little bit zenlike myself. We’re going to win.

Update: The soundbite and clip is Bush saying he doesn’t care about catching bin Laden. It couldn’t be better for us.

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