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Semen Found On Karl Rove’s Tie!

Not really, but I thought it might get the mediawhores’ attention. There is some news but it doesn’t have anything to do with semen so it likely won’t require the Republicans to answer unwanted questions during the waning days of the presidential campaign about the president’s chief political strategist being called before a grand jury to testify in the matter of exposing an undercover CIA agent.

Still, you’d think Judy Blitzer and the gang might at least mention it…

Rove Testifies in CIA Leak Investigations

WASHINGTON – President Bush’s top political adviser, Karl Rove, testified Friday before a federal grand jury trying to determine who leaked the name of an undercover CIA officer.

Rove spent more than two hours testifying before the panel, according to an administration official who spoke only on condition of anonymity because such proceedings are secret.

Before testifying, Rove was interviewed at least once by investigators probing the leak. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of State Colin Powell also have been interviewed, though none has appeared before the grand jury.

Try to imagine this circumstance happening in the Clinton, Gore or Kerry campaigns. Close your eyes and visualize the spitting, drooling GOP talking heads like Bay “of Pigs” Buchanan and Sean “pom pom boy” Hannity. Just think of what a thrilling final two weeks we’d have…

This seems like it might just be worth the Democrats making a bit of a fuss over. Bush’s brain just spent two hours in front of the grand jury in a criminal matter. Today.

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